Ninfa’s is a Mexican food place where I used to waitress. David used to come in and eat, so I could talk to him during my shift. He loved the green sauce so much that he would make me go there on my days off. We also served it at our wedding as David’s contribution to the meal planning.
- 3 medium tomatoes
- 4 tomatillos
- 3 avocados
- 4 cloves fresh garlic
- 4 sprigs cilantro
- 1 1/2 cups sour cream
- 1-2 jalapeños
- salt to taste
Peel avocados and put in blender. Boil other vegetables in a saucepan for 15 minutes
Drain off the water and add to the avocados. Blend.
Add sour cream and seasonings. Blend until smooth.
Seneca, Missouri